فى فجر عمري قرر قومى انه قد حان أخيرا أوان تعميدى..كنعجة ....... أخذوني الى المعبد خلعوا حذائي وأدخلوني حافية الى حضرة إله النفاق الأحمر المخيف لفوني بقماش قشيب وألبسوني سوار من حرير أحمر زاه وخرز ملون بهجروني كعروس ثم زفوني الى قدري.. وبشروني.. أنه قد حان أخيرا ميقات تعميدي كفرد من القطيع ...... رباه !! يا لوحشة ذلك المعبد الذى يهيمن عليه تمثال أغبر ضخم يمثل إلههم المعبود الذى تحتم أن أقدم له جزء من جسدي قربانا ليرضى عنهم ..وعنى هكذا زعموا.. وما أكثر ما زعموا وقالوا.. ....... فى ذلك اليوم الباهت سفك دمى الطاهر على المذبح وتم تلقيني درسي الأول فى مدرسة الزيف حتى أتلاءم والعيش فى مجتمع النفاق مجتمعنا العتيد أذكر جيدا كيف انه وبرغم ألمي هللت فرحا وحبورا لأنه قد قيل لى أنه قد تم تأهيلي رسميا كفرد مطيع فى القطيع ومنذ ذلك الحين سجدت فى خشوع ... نعم سجدت فى خشووووع * * * |
Thoughts of a Sheep Rejecting Integration)
At the dawn of my tender age
While I was asleep
My folks were setting the stage
They decided to initiate me
As a good sheep
They took me to the temple
They took off my shoes
So as not to trample
Their delicate taboos
Barefooted they ushered me in
To his Majesty the Lord of hypocrisy
Their faces lit up with a grin
To please the lucifer of theocracy
He was all red in colour
He was fierce and dreadful
They wrapped me in exquisite cloth
They sprayed me with milk
They put around my wrist
A bracelet of red bright silk
And colourful beads
They ornamented me like a bride
They were happy and satisfied
With their benevolent deeds
They pushed me toward my destiny
They announced to me the good news
That at last, time had come
For me to be initiated and prepared
As one of the good ewes
Among the peaceful herd
Oh, my God!!
How that temple was so lonely!
So strange and odd!
Dominated by a colossal dusty statute
That was the god they worshipped
To whom I had to give an offering
A piece of my body
So that he would be satisfied
So they claimed
Too many times they claimed and said
On that dull day
My chaste blood was shed on the altar
I was spoon-fed my first lesson
At the school of falsehood
My innocence started to falter
So as to adapt and live in a flock of mediocrity
Our forceful and robust society
I remember very well
How that in spite of my pain
I shouted with joy and felicity
Because they said to me
I was solemnly initiated
As an obedient member of the herd
Yes, I prostrated in awe
December 5, 2007
Great text and translation
ردحذفولك الشكر على الكلمات الطيبة .
ردحذفرحم الله الأستاذ بشير بكار ، فقد كان شاعرا ايضا ..
لذلك أجاد الترجمة .
أحب ذلك التمرد, مبدعة دوما يا آمنة
ردحذفتشكر عارف يا صديقي.